FBC Position Statements

Adopted 11/10/05

The Scriptures are not crystal clear in addressing all issues. Because the issues addressed below tend to be divisive, we, as a local body, choose to have those who desire to join our family at FBC know our positions at the present time concerning the following issues:

1.) Alcohol consumption: Although the Bible does not prohibit the consumption of alcohol, it does repeatedly warn about the dangers of alcohol abuse and drunkenness [Prov. 23:29-30, Eph. 5:18, I Pet. 4:3]. Paul also reminds us that though we may be “free in Christ” to drink alcohol or do other things, we must, at times, voluntarily limit our freedom when it could cause another person to be adversely affected [Rom. 14:21, I Cor. 8:9-13]. The devastation that alcoholism can cause to individuals and families is indisputable; therefore, it is the opinion of the leadership of our church that choosing not to drink alcohol is the safest and wisest choice for believers to make. In addition, no alcohol will be served at any official church function.

2.) Gambling: Although the Bible does not prohibit gambling in all of its forms specifically, it does admonish us, repeatedly, about being wise stewards of the resources God has given His people and about being content with His provision [Matt. 6:19 & 25:14-30, Heb. 13:5]; therefore, it is the opinion of the leadership of our church that choosing not to gamble at all is the safest and wisest choice for believers to make.

3.) Charismatic sign gifts: Although the Bible certainly is not clear that the miraculous “sign gifts” seen in the New Testament (speaking in tongues, gifts of healing, etc.) are extinct, we choose to leave the exercise of these gifts to the private sector of individuals’ lives. Therefore, the miraculous “sign gifts” will not be exercised in the public services or group meetings of our church.

4.) Premillennial return of Christ: Although the Bible may not be crystal clear as to the exact order of the events of the end times of this world, the leadership of this church holds to a “premillennial” return of Christ as the best option to explain these events. Therefore when “end times” issues are taught in this church, though other options are certainly acceptable to mention, the premillennial return of Christ will be the focus by teachers at our church.