Find out more about our ministries.
Kidz Ministry
First Baptist KIDZ is all about helping kids on their way to becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus, who love God and people!
With age-appropriate, engaging Bible lessons, fun activities, and music, your kids will discover that the one true God who created them, loves them, and has a plan and purpose for their lives.
First Baptist KIDZ also cares very much for the safety of the kids in our care. With our KIDZ Check-in procedure and a Safety Team member always close by, you can be assured that they are in a worry-free, safe environment.
Sunday KIDZ meets every Sunday morning at 10:30 for ages Nursery – 6th grade.
Wednesday KIDZ meets every Wednesday evening during the school year for ages 1-6 grade. We serve a free dinner at 5:30, followed by our KIDZ program from 6-7:30.
Student Ministry
We are a youth ministry that supports one another, serves together, and spreads Christ's love! We strive to live out 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." We believe that it's our responsibility as believers to live out this statement and show the world what it means to be a disciple of Christ!
Each week you can expect a time for hanging out and playing games, a time for prayer, a time for worship and praise, and a time for studying the Word.
If you’d like to receive regular updates on all that’s happening in our youth ministry contact our Youth Director Daniel Bean to be put on his updates list (email: youthdirector@fbcpekin.com).
Sundays @ 9am
Wednesdays @ 6pm
Small Groups
We have a number of small groups that meet on a consistent basis both on-campus and off-campus. Our community groups fit with your life and are a great way to get plugged in outside of Sunday services or classes. We also offer interest groups that meet to offer support and connect people with common interests. We encourage everyone to be involved in a Small Group.
Young and single, newly married, a mom of three or an empty nester… no matter what life looks like for you today, we all have one thing in common. We love to talk! And regardless if life is throwing you lemons or lemonade, it’s always easier when you have the support of friends.
Learn from someone who has already walked the road you’re traveling. Remember the excitement and carefree exuberance of someone just starting out. Share struggles and victories… all while developing long-lasting friendships with other women in your community and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Let’s face it, being a guy in today’s world is tough. Every day, you’re faced with conflicting messages on how you should live your life. From day-to-day relationships (be it with your wife, your family or your friends) to defining what it means to be happy and successful, what the world tells us oftentimes doesn’t line up with what God wants for us. Standing up and saying you want to “be the man God wants you to be” takes courage. And while it may not be the most popular choice among your peers, the difference they see in you will be a positive one. A difference they might even decide to claim themselves…
You've been hard at work for years... now it's time to relax and enjoy a new phase in your life. Most likely, the kids are out of the house (as well as the extra work and bills they create), and your once-packed social calendar has a few slots for things you want to do now. In addition to our men's and women's small groups and bible studies, we also offer a variety of activities for those on the road to or already enjoying retirement!
Senior Luncheons:
Senior Luncheons are held regularly at the church.
Hit the road with a group of fun-loving people! This is a great way to see places you've always wanted to go and get to know a few new people while you're at it! Most of our trips use Peoria Charter Motorcoaches and include food, either at the destination, on the bus or both. And if you're not quite 55 but still want to join us, don't sweat it! We'll overlook a few youthful years and let you tag along. Keep any eye on our calendar for more upcoming trips. Or, give Susan a call at 309.346.9337 if you have any questions or ideas. Hope to see you on the bus!
Kids Hope
One Child. One Hour. One Church. One School.
First Baptist has partnered with KIDS HOPE USA to touch the lives of the children in need at Jefferson Primary School. These kids need us. They may not come in the doors of First Baptist, but we can walk down the street and love them. We currently have over 12 mentors who meet one hour a week with at-risk students to help meet their emotional, social, and academic needs by giving them a one-to-one relationship. Each mentor has a prayer partner who is praying for the mentoring relationship, praying for the mentor and the student.
If you are interested in being involved in this exciting ministry as a mentor, substitute mentor, or a prayer partner, contact Jeanie Green, our Kids' Hope USA Director (email: kidshope@fbcpekin.com). When you change a life, it’s no small change.